Defeat Demodex
3 Products - 3 Proven Approaches to Stopping, Stalling & Eliminating Demodex
Products for the Eyes - Products for the Hair & Scalp
Demodex Issues
Ubiquity: Every adult on earth hosts thousands of Demodex parasites
Locations: Typically on scalp, often on eyelids, sometimes on face
Skin: Causes rosacea, acne, pimples, and ugly skin eruptions
Eyes: Creates vision loss, dry-eye disease , blepharitis & blindness
Hair: Demodex infests hair follicles anywhere on the body
Diet: Demodex food is sebum, skin-produced fat from fatty diets
Diagnosis: Usually missed - difficult to see without a microscope
Size: 0.2 to 0.4 mm (virtually invisible)
Main Reservoir: the scalp
Favorite Target: the eyes
Nocturnal: Demodex crawl out of your pores at night to reproduce
Life cycle: Eggs, nymphs, young & mature breeding adults
Favorite Targets: Humans, dogs, cats & most land mammals
Housing: Your pores and the pores of other land mammals
Excretion: None.

All 3 Products - In Concert - Can Provide Effective Demodex Killing & Suppression. Daily use for one month is recommended. Routine, continuing Daily use of EYEODINE and DEMODEX 10 mL Roll-Ons is prudent.
3 Key Products
EYEODINE Eye Roll-Ons - 1% Povidone-Iodine (10 mL Roller Bottle-below Left
DEMODEX 10 mL Eye Roll-Ons - 1% Povidone Iodine, Tea Tree Oil & DMSO-below right
ANTI-DEMODEX SHAMPOO: Hair-Scalp 60 mL Spray Bottle with 1% Povidone Iodine, DMSO, Tea Tree Oil, selenium sulfide 1% and 0.1% permethrin - on right HERE --->
ALL THREE PRODUCTS ABOVE, Discounted Cost: Click to Order HERE.

Anti-Demodex Daily Shampoo - 60 mL Spray
Contains povidone-iodine, selenium sulfide, DMSO, Tea Tree Oil and 0.1% Permethrin

Key Recommendations
FIRST: Use shampoo daily for one month SECOND: Change pillow cases daily & wash THIRD: Wash comb & brush with bleach FOURTH: Use EYEODINE & DEMODEX 10 mL every day for one month & re-evaluate
FIFTH: Call us anytime for advice and info.
Contact Us
Call us for a discussion - or write us, and we'll respond promptly. You can email us directly at erosov@iodineproducts.com or fill out the form. OR - just call anytime. If we can answer the phone and speak, we will most happily! (After all - you're the most important thing in our lives!)
+1 305 667-9375 24 x 7

erosov@gmail.com (personal email)
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